George Sam is a father of two boys, one of whom has autism. He is also the founder of the non-profit organization Autism Speaks. In his book, Two Boys, One Family, and Autism, Sam shares his family's journey with autism, from the initial diagnosis to the challenges and triumphs they have faced along the way.

Sam's story is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. He writes about the pain of watching his son struggle, the frustration of dealing with a school system that was not equipped to meet his son's needs, and the isolation of feeling like the only family going through this. But he also writes about the love he has for his son, the pride he feels in his son's accomplishments, and the hope he has for his son's future.

Sam's book is a valuable resource for anyone who has been touched by autism. It is a story of hope, love, and resilience, and it is sure to inspire anyone who reads it.

The Diagnosis

Sam's son, Eli, was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. Sam and his wife, Amy, were devastated. They had never heard of autism before, and they did not know what to expect. They were afraid for Eli's future, and they did not know how they were going to help him.

Sam and Amy began to do research on autism. They learned that autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that it affects people in different ways. They also learned that there is no cure for autism, but that there are therapies that can help people with autism learn and grow.

Sam and Amy decided to enroll Eli in an early intervention program. Eli began to make progress in the program, and Sam and Amy began to feel more hopeful about his future.

The Challenges

Raising a child with autism can be challenging. Eli has difficulty with communication, social skills, and sensory processing. He is also prone to tantrums and meltdowns.

Sam and Amy have had to learn how to deal with Eli's challenges. They have had to learn how to communicate with him, how to help him regulate his emotions, and how to cope with his tantrums and meltdowns.

Sam and Amy have also had to deal with the challenges of the school system. Eli has attended both public and private schools, and he has had both positive and negative experiences. Sam and Amy have had to advocate for Eli's needs, and they have had to fight to get him the services he needs.

The Triumphs

Despite the challenges, Sam and Amy are proud of the progress Eli has made. Eli is a happy and loving child. He is learning and growing, and he is reaching his full potential.

Sam and Amy have also learned a lot from Eli. They have learned about the importance of love, patience, and family. They have also learned that autism is not a deficit, but a difference. Eli is a special child, and he has taught Sam and Amy a lot about life.

The Future